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The Spirit of Praise Church with founding Pastor Wilson Byrd, began in the month of June 1985. Beginning with humble but dedicated worshippers, no one could forsee all that God had in store.

It began in a small rental store front building, that had not been very well maintained, and did require some

improvements. It began rather suddenly, without any public announcements, except a sign on the front of the building, and by much prayer and fasting, the first Sunday's attendance was with 33 worshippers.



It became evident after only a few months that the present building was not adequate for the growth of this new church. After several times of 40 days of fasting and praying, over a span of two years, God gave a miracle, the opportunity to purchase property for a new church building. Work began in September 1987 and miraculously

was ready for occupying by December 1987.


The first Sunday in the new church was January 1988. With great excitement and thanksgiving to the Lord, the church prospered and God was providing the increase.  The church became mission minded, as God continued to manifest Himself in each church service, it was decided that another building program was necessary.

God moved in a miraculous way, to provide for a Christian Life Center, with classrooms, choir rooms, a baptistry, and a commerical kitchen.


But what has made the Spirit of Praise Church so special has always been its style of worship and its people who throughout the years have learned that the real strength is found in serving, and only that which is done for the Lord Jesus Christ will last.

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