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Mission & Vision


Our mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and to actively involve each person to continue Christ’s earthly ministry.  It is our commission to fulfill “The Great Commission” by making disciples; thus equipping them under the authority of the Holy Spirit to win others for Christ. This involves preaching, teaching, healing, nurturing, giving, administering, and building as members of his body. We must faithfully reach, teach, and train until we all come into the full maturity of Christ.


Vision for the Ministry:

The Spirit of Praise Ministries is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic ministry sharing the Love of God to the entire family. We are an oasis of hope within the TN Valley as well as the world. We are designed to challenge believers and non-believers alike to take another step toward spiritual maturity, commitment, and fellowship with Christ by growing in the word and in worship. We express freedom in worship because the word says, where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor.3:17) Our foundation is the word of God and we believe it in its entirety. We believe that we can be what the word says we can be, do what the word says we can do, and have what the word says we can have. We exercise our gifts in the Spirit to strengthen and encourage the people of God through prayer, praise, and deliverance. 


Vision for the Ministry

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Tel: (256) 852-3035

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